The MANDO Director can be contacted by email at:
Telephone: +254 (0) 724 415793 and +254 (0) 733 948648
Magadi Road
Migon House
P0 BOX 27643 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
MANDO’s eight volunteers work out of its small rented office in the town of Kiserian, 15 Km from Nairobi on Magadi Road, which stretches from the capitol of Nairobi through Kenya to Tanzania.
The office is well placed serving as telecommunications, banking and supply link between MANDO to projects in the field.
Kiserian also serves as marketplace for people in MANDO projects to sell their goats and cows and buy maize, cabbages, beans, sugar, tea and rice.
MANDO staff and vendors alike travel by matatu (minibuses) the 65 Km of bumpy, dusty roads to their communities, unless they walk or otherwise catch a ride.
Since most people in Maasai land do not have access to the internet, MANDO transmits Maasai voices to the virtual world with Facebook pages as well as their own web site.