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Nutrition counseling – What is nutrition counseling? Nutrition counseling is a form of eating disorder treatment that is part of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary treatment plan that can also include medical interventions, talking therapies, family therapy, and other treatment methods. A dietician who specializes in treating eating disorders can deliver nutrition counseling to achieve positive outcomes in patients by improving relationships with and attitudes toward food and eating. |
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Endemic Guidelines for Using Face Masks to Continue Protecting Yourself & Others It seems like it’s been a long time since the world was at a standstill at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, everything is slowly getting back to normal, as vaccines have rolled out in full swing across the globe. Lockdowns have lifted, quarantine requirements have eased, and more and more cities all over the world no longer require the use of face masks, Is COVID-19 really behind us? |
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European Respiratory Journal Effects of COVID-19 protective face masks and wearing durations on respiratory haemodynamic physiology and exhaled breath constituents. |
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How to Be Safe from COVID While You’re Cycling COVID-19 has slowed down the pace of everyday living, and people are trying to find ways to navigate around the new normal, including their choice of transportation. Some people may hesitate riding public transportation these days especially, fearing being in a confined space with potential carriers. That said, it’s not surprising that cycling should emerge as one of the preferred modes of transportation. Despite the convenience of bikes, you still need to exercise caution because they can’t guarantee you immunity from the coronavirus. To ensure a safe ride every time you’re out cycling, follow the COVID safety tips listed. |
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Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health During the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be a lot of information about the virus and its effects on mental health. That’s because coronavirus and the social, financial and psychological implications it carries can seriously impact one’s mental wellbeing. It’s of the utmost importance that we try to remain as composed as we can during this time. The fear and anxiety that is gripping the nation are as contagious, if not more so than the illness itself. |
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A Safe Vacation During the COVID-19 Pandemic Advice from UNICEF Before and During the Vacation Going on holiday during the pandemic is not mission impossible, even if many travel restrictions are in place and many flights are still cancelled. The Coronavirus hasn’t disappeared, on the contrary, there is still an increasing number of infections all over the world, after more and more states have eliminated lockdown measures. Certainly, 2020 isn’t a good year for vacations too far from home, but this doesn’t mean that families with children cannot enjoy summer, provided that they strictly follow the safety, social distancing and hygiene measures. |
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Business Support and Survival Guide for Care Homes During Covid-19 The pressures facing the adult social care sector over the last six or seven months have put care homes across the UK under immense strain. The human cost of the pandemic has been tragic and unprecedented, but as the outbreak lingers on, it’s not just the health implications that care homes are having to battle against. The financial strain is continuing to mount, with many businesses already at breaking point. This guide explores the financial issues the UK’s care homes are facing, detail the government support that’s available and take a look at the rescue measures that could help you come through this difficult time. |
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Coronavirus Disinfection: Best Hygiene Practices for Smartphones and Gadgets to Avoid Covid-19 As quarantine measures continue worldwide to mitigate the rise in COVID-19 cases, more people have turned to technology to be informed and to ensure the continuity of their livelihood. During this difficult time, gadgets such as smartphones and desktops play a key part in keeping people connected. For this crucial reason, keeping these items clean is just as important as observing proper and frequent hand washing. |
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