Links Related to Health and Safety while Travelling and Similar Topics

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Blood Cancer UK - Fighting to keep Emily's light alive   Fighting to keep Emily’s light alive
Donate to Blood Cancer UK and help save other children and their families from this terrible disease and its painful journey.
Emily was just seven years old but fought to the bitter end and always kept smiling.
Your donation will help save others on this traumatic journey and enable them to “ring the bell”.
Blood Cancer UK   Blood Cancer UK (formerly Bloodwise)
Dedicated to beating blood cancer since 1960.
Blood Cancer UK is a community determined to beat blood cancer by funding research that takes us closer to a cure.
Donate to Blood Cancer UK.
Over time I have received a large number of requests for links and this page has become long and sometimes slow to load so has now been subdivided into separate related categories which I hope will make it easier to find the items related to the topic.   Addiction – Alcohol and Drugs
Children and Parents
Senior Citizens
Coronavirus – Covid
Building Resilience   Building Resilience
Resilience is a person’s ability to adjust to and recover from stressful situations.
Some people are more naturally resilient then others, but it is a skill that can be learned.
The Effects of Sound on the Learning Process   The Effects of Sound on the Learning Process
In modern society, people live, interact, and study amid a cacophony of background noises. From the neighbour’s TV to the relentless roar of street traffic, concentrating on tasks can be challenging with such auditory distractions.
Sound permeates our lives. It can either be a source of distraction or, if properly used, a catalyst for improved performance.
Airbnb Hidden Cameras: Get Help   Airbnb Hidden Cameras: Get Help
If you or someone you know has found an Airbnb hidden camera, you have legal rights and options to seek help, healing, and accountability.
Get Legal Help
Airbnb Sexual Assault: How to Get Help   Airbnb Sexual Assault: How to Get Help
Airbnb has revolutionized the hospitality industry, allowing property owners to rent their spaces easily using a convenient app. However, the app has become a preying ground for predators as users and hosts have fallen victim to sexual assault, voyeurism, and harassment. If you or someone you know has experienced any form of Airbnb sexual assault, help is available.
Get Legal Help
Printable Eye Charts and How to Use Them   Printable Eye Charts and How to Use Them
When you visit your eye doctor for a routine eye exam, they will first assess your ability to see details at near and distant points using a printable eye chart.
Visual screening tests involve reading letters, numbers, or symbols of different sizes on a chart-like structure placed at a distance (usually 20 feet away). The results of an eye chart tell your doctor whether you have a refractive error.
How to Stop Overthinking - StudyCorgi   How to Stop Overthinking
It’s okay to be somewhat reflective and contemplate certain events in your life, such as a a meeting with fellow students, a test, or a presentation.
Dwelling excessively and intensely on a single event or moment can lead to the unhealthy habit of overthinking, trapping individuals in a cycle of self-analysis and self-criticism.
If you find yourself in the vicious circle of overthinking and struggle to break free, you’re in the right place.
Bulimia and Alcohol Addiction   Bulimia and Alcohol Addiction
Bulimia nervosa (BN) is an eating disorder associated with multiple negative health outcomes, including esophageal problems, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, dental problems, and irregular heart rhythms. (1) In addition to these physical health conditions, BN is linked to co-occurring mental health disorders. (2) Co-occurring bulimia nervosa and alcohol addiction are particularly common. In this article, we will be discussing the prevalence of bulimia nervosa and alcohol addiction, as well as some possible reasons for this co-occurrence.
Birth Injury Center   What Is Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral palsy refers to a group of neurological disorders that affect body movement and muscle coordination. It is one of the most common motor disabilities to appear in childhood.
Cerebral palsy is a result of brain damage or abnormal brain development that affects an individual’s ability to control their muscles. It is most likely to develop within the first month following a child’s birth, or even during the first years of their life when their brain is still developing.
What Are the Proven Benefits of Collagen?   Collagen Benefits
What Are the Proven Benefits of Collagen?
Collagen is the main structural protein of the body’s connective tissues, including the skin. Our bodies produce collagen naturally from protein and nutrients in the foods we eat. There are several types of collagen and each type has its own job. For example, type I collagen is most famous for keeping skin supple and type II collagen helps to cushion joints.
Chemical Hair Straightener Lawsuits   Chemical Hair Straightener Lawsuits
Chemical hair straightener lawsuits claim that the straighteners made by L’Oreal and other companies can cause uterine cancer and other health issues. According to lawsuits, manufacturers failed to warn that their products could increase the risk of uterine cancer, breast cancer, fibroids and endometriosis.
How to Start & Keep a Mental Health Journal – Tips for Students   How to Start & Keep a Mental Health Journal – Tips for Students
When was the last time you wrote in your journal? Many people associate keeping a journal with their childhood and the old-fashioned cliche “Dear Diary…”. However, modern research has shown that journaling has numerous benefits for your mental and physical health.
Writing in a diary can: lower your anxiety, improve your memory, boost your immune system.
100 AMERICAN COMPANIES THAT SELL USA-MADE PRODUCTS   100 American Companies That Sell USA Made Products
Everyone has their reasons for purchasing USA-made products. You can probably recite a few off the top of your head. They’re of better quality. They’re made by Americans, which keeps our economy and job market growing. Buying American products shortens the supply chain, reducing fuel emissions, so it’s good for the planet. To help you find whatever you’re looking for, we’ve compiled a list of 100 American companies that sell only goods made on the shores of America.
How Age Affects Weight Gain: 7 Factors You Need to Know   How Age Affects Weight Gain: 7 Factors You Need to Know
Many people find that it gets harder to lose weight or keep the pounds off as they get older.
Of course, weight is influenced by several factors including genetics, diet, and level of physical activity. Therefore, not everyone becomes overweight as they get older.
Still, most people discover that losing or maintaining weight becomes more difficult as each year passes. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, here are some of the reasons you may be struggling to reach your ideal weight.
Art and Mental Health: Art Therapy, Benefits and Examples   Art and Mental Health: Art Therapy, Benefits and Examples
Art and mental health share a close link. In any form, art serves as a tool to turn intangible experiences into something that we can see and touch. Think of Paul Cezanne, who, during his dark period, was able to depict his depression in paintings such as the “Pyramid of skulls” and “The murder.” Or Van Gogh, who showed evidence of his hallucinations in “Starry Night,” which he painted from the window of his asylum room.
How to Start Art Journaling and Manage Stress   How to Start Art Journaling and Manage Stress
Have you wanted to try art journaling but weren’t quite sure what was involved?
Art journaling can be a fun way of engaging in self-care while tapping into your creative side and you don’t even need to know how to draw…
It’s fun, a form of self-care, allows you to explore your feelings, enables you to review life experiences, helps you plan or envision goals, further develops creativity and provides you with some health/stress benefits.
California Cannabis Information   California Medical Marijuana
In California, medical marijuana refers to plant-derived and synthetic cannabinoids legally used to treat certain chronic medical conditions or alleviate their associated symptoms. Although marijuana is considered illegal under federal law, the California Compassionate Use Act of 1996 allows patients with qualifying conditions to grow, purchase, possess, and use CBD and THC for medicinal purposes.
California Cannabis Information   California Marijuana Laws
In California, the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) allows you to purchase and consume cannabis on both medicinal and recreational grounds.
While medical marijuana patients are exempt from various taxes, recreational users are subjected to high cannabis tax rates in the state. 
How Smoking Impacts Your Eye Health   How Smoking Impacts Your Eye Health
Smoking delivers a slew of negative eye-related side effects, including the onset of medical conditions that can lead to blindness.
It increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and other eye conditions.
Quitting smoking is the only way to stave off the risks, although getting healthier in other ways (exercise, weight loss, etc.) can help.
Disability Accommodation Request Letter   Disability Accommodation Request Letter
A Disability Accommodation Request Letter is a letter written by a tenant, or potential tenant, with a disability to request housing accommodations (or modifications) to ensure they have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a property.
The Relationship Between Anxiety, Depression, and Overeating   The Relationship Between Anxiety, Depression, and Overeating
Our memories surrounding food date back to some of our earliest needs and emotions.
Food is essential for survival, and also to culture, social rituals, and family ties.
It carries the power to fuel the body, soothe the soul, and tie relationships together, so it’s no surprise that anxiety and overeating are often interconnected.
Online Marketing for Healthcare & Medical Practices   Online Marketing for Healthcare & Medical Practices
High level marketing is no longer an optional add-on to a business model, it’s a complete necessity and a key player in the success of an industry organization. Not all marketing campaigns will be the same, and in the competitive Healthcare Industry, there are specific ways to optimize your marketing to reach the proper audience.
High Fiber Foods   High Fiber Foods List
We Analyzed 237 Fiber Rich Foods
This is the ultimate fiber foods list! Our research team spent 100+ hours researching the exact fiber content of everything from apples to bananas and right through to oatmeal and even spinach. Finally, you can see how much fiber you get when eating your favorite foods. Best of all, we show you the fiber amount per serving, so you can easily compare foods and work out which are best for you. 
High Fiber Foods   How Much Fiber Per Day – Women vs Men (2022)
If you’ve been eating a diet like the Tik Tok infamous “liver king”, well, then chances are you probably aren’t getting enough fiber every day. But if you’re any kind of normal person, then you probably enjoy some nice veggies, fruit and other carbs each day, meaning you’re eating some fiber. But is it enough? And how much fiber should you really be eating to support your gut and overall health? Let’s find out!
Best Motion Activated Sprinkler For Pest Control   Best Motion Activated Sprinkler For Pest Control
Gardening is a passion for many people throughout the United States. Unfortunately, one of the double-edged facts about gardening is that it can attract a number of animals like birds, deer, rabbits, and more. Many people enjoy watching the wildlife flock around their growing vegetables, fruits, and flowers, although no one enjoys watching their hard-grown garden become destroyed by hungry animals.
This is where motion-activated sprinklers come in handy. If you have a garden to protect but wildlife you enjoy watching, this is the right place!
Preparing Your Home for Extreme Weather: A Guide for People With Disabilities   Preparing Your Home for Extreme Weather: A Guide for People With Disabilities
While weather is generally predictable, it’s best to be prepared for the unexpected. Forecasters can determine the probability of severe weather events with increasing validity due to advancements in technology. However, the most accurate forecasts are short-range predictions — falling one to seven days before the weather hits. This isn’t enough time to prepare adequately, so it’s important to do so beforehand.
Understand Lower Back Pain (Lumbago)   Understand Lower Back Pain (Lumbago)
Explore the different types, possible causes and treatment options for lower back pain.
This article was written, reviewed and contributed to by some of Australia’s leading experts in the field of pain and lower back pain. We aim to empower you to better understand what’s causing your pain and alleviate any concerns or anxiety you may have.
Find care that’s right for you.   Find care that’s right for you
Local rehab guides – Find physical therapy, addiction treatment and mental health providers.
Healthcare resources – If you or someone you love need care, know that recovery is possible.
Bicycle Safety: Smart Guide for Every Beginner Cyclist   Bicycle Safety: Smart Guide for Every Beginner Cyclist
With any activity, bike riding comes with safety risks. From simple cuts, scrapes, and bruises to much more serious injuries, there are some serious consequences to the risks of not riding safe. Yet there are ways to mitigate these risks. The best way to do so is to first learn about what bicycle safety is, what it entails, and what you can do to make your next ride just that much safer. Here’s our smart bicycle safety guide perfect for beginner cyclists.
Getting Started: Top Cycling Tips for Beginners   Getting Started: Top Cycling Tips for Beginners
Are you thinking about getting into cycling? It’s a fun sport, with plenty of different disciplines. Whether you want the thrill of navigating your way through a downhill trail or the competitive excitement of a street race, cycling has plenty of options to keep you fit, healthy, and entertained.
This post unpacks some basic tips for newcomers to cycling.
HEALTH BENEFITS AND RISKS OF DOG OWNERSHIP   Health Benefit and Risks of Dog Ownership
You know the old adage, a dog is man’s best friend. Ever wonder where that idea came from? With 67% of American households with a pet, it seems they agree.
So, what are the health benefits of owning a dog? Can they actually help with your health? If so, then why not consider one of the millions of dogs who end up in shelters each year.
Let’s examine what owning a dog can do for your health, shelter adoption, and the most popular breeds you’re likely to encounter in a shelter.
9 health benefits of owning a dog   9 health benefits of owning a dog
Whether you can’t resist a cute puppy’s face or you just want some company at home, there are many reasons why you might consider adopting a dog. But you may be surprised to learn that owning a dog is about more than just having a furry friend to greet you at the door.
How to calm anxiety (when you're freaking out)   How to calm anxiety (when you’re freaking out)
Anxiety is a common struggle for many people.
The good news is that mental health is finally becoming part of the broader well-being conversation among medical professionals and the public–which helps eliminate the stigma of mental health struggles and allows us to find ways to treat it and cope with it.
Is Art a Medium to Portray Your Inner Feelings?   Is Art a Medium to Portray Your Inner Feelings?
Art has been used throughout history as a way for people to convey emotions, communicate thoughts, and even record history. Above all that, art has been the medium for many people, both artists and non-artists alike, to express themselves. It may come as no surprise to you to learn that art can be one of the most effective tools to portray your inner feelings.
Embroidery For Mental Health   Embroidery For Mental Health
Many of our modern associations with embroidery seem quaint–a cheeky cross-stitch pillow or needlepoint flowers.
Yet embroidery is also a simple and powerful art form. 
This guide walks you through embroidery as a form of art therapy, including various mental health benefits of the craft, how to get started, and the materials you need to try your hand at a new form of mindfulness.
Expert Interview - Psychologist & Former Instructor for Harvard University   Expert Interview – Psychologist & Former Instructor for Harvard University
Dr. Willis is a consultant, coach, and facilitator to Fortune 500 companies, startups, and nonprofits. He is a former instructor for Harvard University and a psychologist for people suffering from PTSD and trauma from war times. He is also a member of the American Psychological Association and its Society of Consulting Psychology.
Vacation Or Staycation? An Expert Weighs In To Help Us Decide   Vacation Or Staycation? An Expert Weighs In To Help Us Decide
Summer is just not the same for any of us. Do we travel? Do we stay at home, and maybe buy an inflatable pool to help us escape on those hot summer days? If you’re like me, your summer plans were canceled or drastically altered. Gone are the trips to grandparent’s homes and outdoor amusement parks, yet we still have a nagging urge to provide a memorable summer experience for our kids. Or we really just want to escape the confines of our house for a little while.
Art and Craft benefits for Young Adults   Art and Craft benefits for Young Adults
In a world where mental health and well-being is becoming increasingly important, it is the perfect time for you to join one of Lifebridge Australia’s art and craft programs.
What are the benefits to me, you might ask?
It is good for your brain, It improves your self-esteem and Creativity is fun. 
Lifebridge have a diverse range of art and craft programs available.
The Benefit of Arts and Crafts for Mental Health   The Benefit of Arts and Crafts for Mental Health
Hobbies are important. They’re entertaining, fulfilling, and, for the most part, keep us out of trouble. The largest subset of hobbies is most certainly arts and crafts, an umbrella term that covers everything from scrapbooking, jewellery making, and crocheting to painting, sculpting, and model building. These hobbies are more than just rewarding ways to spend our free time they are wonderful ways to support better and more robust mental health. 
What are Personalized Vitamins   Personalized Supplements
What are Personalized Vitamins?
Are Personalized Vitamins Worth the Investment?
Can Personalized Supplements Improve Health and Performance?
What Should I Look for in a Supplement?
Water Conservation Guide for Homeowners   Water Conservation Guide for Homeowners
Today, water conservation measures are among the topics at the helm of society. Water is life, and if this commodity isn’t accessed adequately, then every other activity is a dry bone. It is at the core of our lives; water is the pillar that holds every step of our lives. Sadly, the earth’s sources of usable water are degrading, and if adequate measures are not put in place, clean water will perhaps be an issue of the past. By employing water-wise programs at our homesteads, will significantly inspire and offer vital lessons that may help all realize the need to conserve water for better lives.
Vision Center - Aging and Eyesight  

Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
Hyperopia is a vision condition in which you have difficulty seeing things at near distance. Your eyes are better at focusing on things in the distance and worse at seeing things up close. Other names for hyperopia include hypermetropia and farsightedness. 

Vision Center - Aging and Eyesight  

Cheap Eye Exams and Glasses
Regular eye exams are important to protect your eye health. Some issues don’t present any obvious symptoms, and require a careful analysis from a medical professional to recognize. Annual exams help diagnose and treat eye health issues and provide you with a pair of glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision.

Things Newly Disabled Persons Should Do  

Things Newly Disabled Persons Should Do
If you, a friend or a relative has recently become disabled, there is a ton of advice and help out there, but it can be difficult to know where to start.
This is a guide to independence for the newly disabled.
Here we will focus on the first 12 things every disabled person should do.

A Guide To Maintaining Sexuality After Menopause   A Guide To Maintaining Sexuality After Menopause
Menopause is accompanied by a wide variety of physiologic changes that can affect all aspects of a woman’s life, from her mood to her ability to sleep to her sexuality.
Many of these changes can be frustrating or distressing to both the menopausal woman and her partner(s), particularly the effects they have on libido and sexual activity.
The guide discusses ways to tackle the changes that can make maintaining sexuality difficult in the post-menopausal years.
Cerebal Palsey Guide   Cerebral Palsy Support Groups
Thousands of parents learn their child has cerebral palsy each year.
Fortunately, there are many support groups that offer encouragement, hope and healing.
Many families affected by cerebral palsy find that joining a support group can be incredibly beneficial.
Organizations that offer emotional, medical and financial support are great ways to help parents feel like they are not alone in this fight.
A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Cars for Handicapped   A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Cars for Handicapped
Driving with a disability doesn’t have to be a chore because there are several modifications that you can make to your vehicle.
Whether you are looking into adding accessible products to a car you already own—or are specifically doing research into vehicles that come readily equipped with what you need, driving with a disability is more attainable than you might think.
 Car Modification for Persons with Disabilities: What You Need to Know   Car Modification for Persons with Disabilities: What You Need to Know
Living with a disability, or becoming disabled, doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be able to drive. 
Thanks to adaptive driving and assistive technology, people with disabilities can confidently and safely drive themselves to any destination.
Assistive technology leverages carefully-installed driving aids and devices to make driving for people with disabilities as simple as possible. 
Car modification, registration and license for physically challenged - Ragesh in Full Throttle!   Car modification, registration and license for physically challenged
Most of us are passionate about driving and riding here. This becomes all the more important if you are physically challenged because, driving is one place where there is absolutely no difference between physically challenged person and others.
The ability to drive is more important for a physically challenged person than any one else. 
Silent Professionals  

Will PTSD Disqualify Me From Employment?
If you’re reading this article, you may be working through some degree of PTSD after combat and wondering how to transition back to your civilian life, both personally and professionally. Some of you may have even abused alcohol and landed yourself in jail for a DUI/DWI while attempting to deal with your PTSD. Oftentimes, these can seem like insurmountable challenges to get back on track with your life even after treatment or rehabilitation.
you’re not alone.

Lung Cancer Center  

Breathe Easier with Lung Cancer Center
Lung Cancer Center is here to provide the information and resources you need to understand the diagnosis.
Are you a patient, loved one, caregiver, or even just a student?
Learn more about what a lung cancer diagnosis is and the best way to fight it medically and legally.

Verywell Health - How to Calm a Child With Autism  

How to Calm a Child With Autism
Techniques for avoiding and managing meltdowns.
Children with autism can have a tough time managing their behavior.
Meltdowns and anxiety can make it very hard to participate in typical activities or, in some extreme cases, to even leave the house.
It’s not always easy to calm a child with autism, but there are techniques that can often be successful.
Some require a bit of extra equipment that offers sensory comfort.
Some of these items can be used in settings like school or community venues.
If they work well, they’re worth their weight in gold.

The Recovery Village  

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
You may have seen the acronym PTSD before and wondered what it meant.
Post-traumatic stress disorder can seem like a mental health disorder that’s too complicated to understand, but it only takes a few moments to learn about the disorder and how it impacts people.
By taking the time to understand what PTSD is, you’re taking a step toward helping the many people who live with it because you’re showing them that you care about what they struggle with.

Vaping Health Risks  
Vaping Health Risks
Vaping may seem like a harmless pastime, however, e-cigarettes have been linked to numerous physical and long-term health consequences.
Vape products typically contain addictive nicotine, dangerous flavoring chemicals like diacetyl, heavy metals, and other toxic substances.
For those who vape, these substances may cause: Nicotine addiction, poisoning, and withdrawal; Respiratory issues, such as popcorn lung, asthma, and COPD; Cardiovascular problems; Impaired brain development in those under 25.
Flawless CBD  
Flawless CBD
Flawless CBD is proud to offer only the best CBD products on the market.
Flawless CBD stock an extensive range of products from CBD Vape Oil, CBD Oil, CBD Gummies, CBD Capsules, CBD Balm and CBD vape pens.
Travelling With A Medical Condition  

Travelling with a Medical Condition
Getting travel insurance with a medical condition.  What is included in medical condition travel insurance? Tips to help you travel safely with a medical condition.  Disclosing your medical condition.  Vaccinations & visas for travelling abroad.  Taking medical supplies through customs.

Traveling is an exciting and enjoyable activity that should be enjoyed by many. However, there are certain travelers who cannot simply make the most out of their adventure because of their health conditions.
In this guide, we would like to help you enjoy your travel even though if you or your loved one has a chronic illness. Planning your trip can help you expect the unexpected. Here’s what we’re going to discuss in the course of this article.
Travel Guide for the Hearing Impaired  

Travel Guide for the Hearing Impaired
There’s no reason that being deaf or hard of hearing should prevent anyone from travelling.
While it can offer its own challenges, nothing compares to sunning on an exotic beach, exploring a world-class museum or strolling through a quaint village.
A little preparation and planning in advance can help make any trip, be it by plane, train, bus or boat, stress-free and fun.

Stop Smoking  

Stop Smoking
Are you ready to commit to quit smoking?
That’s half the battle.
Now that you’re taking this big step, we have lots of help available.
Our proven tools, tips and support can help you end your addiction to tobacco and begin a new, smokefree phase of your life.
Blacknote will give $60 to winners who submit their story why they want to quit smoking.

Cerebral Palsy Group  

Cerebral Palsy Group
The foundation provides free educational information and support to those who have been affected by cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities.


Cerebral Palsy  –  A Helping Hand On Your Journey
Learn about the different types, symptoms, and causes of cerebral palsy — and much more.
Financial help is available to parents and children with cerebral palsy. Learn what you may qualify for.
Learn how to make life easier for parents and children with cerebral palsy–everything from daily communication and feeding tips to transitioning to adulthood.

Travelling With Diabetes  

Travelling with Diabetes
When you have diabetes, a vacation or a business trip means a little extra planning.
Changes in what you eat, how active you are, and time zones can affect your blood sugar levels.
Here are some tips to make your travels easier.

Travel Guide Special Needs  

Airports and Special Needs Travel: A Complete Guide
When travelling by plane, a good part of your trip is spent at airports. 
In fact, on many trips you spend more time at an airport than you do flying.
When travelling with a child who has special needs every step you take needs to be very carefully planned.

Is The Water Safe To Drink   Is the water safe to drink?
Travelling abroad?
Is the water safe to drink in the countries you will be visiting?
Check this out on this web site.
Camping Safety - ROSPA  

Camping Safety
Camping is a fantastic way to enjoy the great outdoors, but in the excitement of a trip, and because of the unfamiliar surroundings and ways of doing things, it can lead to life-changing accidents.
Life-changing injuries result most often from burns or fires and carbon monoxide poisoning.
Following some simple safety advice means your camping trip should be a memorable experience for all the right reasons and you will find good advice on this web site.

Outdoor Persuits UK  

Outdoor Pursuits UK
Billed as “The Ultimate Youth Outdoor Safety Guide”.

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