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Safer Homes for Seniors: Nurse’s Tips for Fall Prevention  

Safer Homes for Seniors: Nurse’s Tips for Fall Prevention
It happens in an instant — a loss of balance or tripping on a rug. In the blink of an eye, a fall can change your or your loved one’s life dramatically.
And it’s not just the potential bruise and broken bone you have to worry about.
Even when a fall doesn’t cause a serious injury, it can still have a significant impact on an older person’s life.
A fall can lead to the loss of an older adult’s independence and even death..

Tips and Ideas for Gardening  

Tips and Ideas for Gardening
As you get older, or if you struggle with physical disabilities, you might start wondering what hobbies you can pick up. Gardening is a great choice, it is both entertaining and rewarding for your health and well-being. While it may involve a lot of movement, there are many ways to make this outdoor activity more engaging, even for those with disabilities.
Here are some effective tips to help you enjoy your time in the garden to the fullest. 

ECDOL stands for Excellent Care, Decency, & Optimal Living  

A Senior’s Guide to Fentanyl
Stories of fentanyl have populated news outlets nationwide for years, but many individuals still are unclear about precisely what it is and why it is so dangerous. At ECDOL, we aim to inform aging adults about issues that may affect them or their loved ones. To help, we created a guide that explains in detail what fentanyl is, why it is so dangerous, and how individuals can talk to their loved ones about it.

ECDOL stands for Excellent Care, Decency, & Optimal Living   A Comprehensive Guide to Elderly Community Resources
As our loved ones age, it can become increasingly challenging to provide them with the care and support they need. Fortunately, there are many community resources available to help seniors and their families navigate this stage of life. In this guide, we will explore the various resources and programs available for the elderly, and how they can benefit both seniors and their caregivers.
Top 10 Benefits of Puzzle Solving for Adults  

Top 10 Benefits of Puzzle Solving for Adults
“Puzzles give psychological order to the chaos we feel. When you come out of it, when you’ve solved the puzzle, then life seems to work better.”
– Marcel Danesi, Professor of Semiotics and Linguistic Anthropology, University of Toronto
For ages, puzzles have been a way for us to reset from the world outside. From word games and brain games, to math puzzles and jigsaws, puzzles are brain tools that satisfy our nimble minds and bolster our thinking skills.
Here, you can walk through the top ten benefits of puzzle solving for adults.

Guide to Transitioning Your Loved One to a Nursing Home  

Guide to Transitioning Your Loved One to a Nursing Home
Moving a loved one into a nursing home can be a tough and emotion-filled decision.
The process can make you feel guilty, anxious, or overwhelmed.
However, there are many steps you can take to ease the transition for both you and your loved one.

Brain Games and Outdoor Activities for Seniors  

Brain Games and Outdoor Activities for Seniors
“Play more games, get outside more, and make friends.”
This may not sound like medical advice, but it should be!
As we age, many health problems can appear.
Though medical treatment may be necessary, scientists have also found some fun ways to ensure you stay sharp, fit, and happy. From board games to golf, we have created a guide to improve your brain health through games and community involvement.

Online Scams: How To Protect Yourself As A Senior  

Online Scams: How To Protect Yourself As A Senior
In today’s digital age, staying safe online is critical, especially for seniors and those with less technological knowledge. As technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, the risk of falling victim to online scams increases. These scams can be sophisticated and convincing, making it difficult to distinguish between what’s real and what’s fake.

Ageism in the workplace: it's impact and what we can do about it  

Ageism in the workplace:
it’s impact and what we can do about it?
It’s challenging being an older person in the workforce. You have years of experience under your belt, but you’re surrounded by people who are younger, and faster, and think they can do the job better than you

Newspaper Crossword Puzzle Answers  

Newspaper Crossword Puzzle Answers
Are you solving a crossword puzzle in your favorite newspaper but stuck with a question? Do you also want to know more information and background about your crossword puzzle? We will help you with the questions and corresponding answers in the crossword puzzles of the most popular newspapers in the English-speaking world.

Aging With Care - Find The Best Senior Care For Your Loved One  

Aging With Care
Find the best Senior Care for your Loved One
Find the information you need to make the best decision about the type of care you or your loved one may need. Explore some of the most popular care options.

Senior Entrepreneurship — The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business Later in Life  

Senior Entrepreneurship — The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business Later in Life
Are you past 50, and thinking about starting your own business? Then this guide on senior entrepreneurship is for you. We will cover everything you need to know, from business ideas to mindset. You will also learn about the numerous examples of entrepreneurs who had their big breakthroughs later in life. If they could do it, you can do it. In fact, you are statistically more likely to succeed with your business now than you were at age 30. Don’t let societal norms hold you back — your time as an entrepreneur is now.

Caregiver’s Guide to Senior Health   Caregiver’s Guide to Senior Health
As they age, older adults often need more help with daily tasks. Some may just need help with a grocery run now and then, while others may need assistance bathing, eating, and getting around the house. When seniors begin to lose their ability to care for themselves, the importance of caregiving in senior health cannot be overstated.
ECDOL stands for Excellent Care, Decency, & Optimal Living   Find Senior Care and Health Care
ECDOL stands for Excellent Care, Decency, & Optimal Living. Our goal is to help you find the best care for you or your aging loved one. Finding a reliable and the most appropriate independent living, assisted living, and home healthcare has its challenges. With so many options it can be tough to determine the best fit. Our directory and resources help you find the best care options for your situation.
Help for African Americans   Help for African Americans
African americans across the country can make use of database that lists
grants and financial assistance programs in all 50 states and DC. Our website offers
details on programs that help blacks with finding help with groceries, utility bills,
rent, college, medications, childcare, medical bills, housing, and more.
The Ultimate Online Safety Guide for Senior Citizens   The Ultimate Online Safety Guide for Senior Citizens
While you think of technology’s benefits to overcoming some of the challenges of aging – mobility, making friends, managing healthcare and reducing errands – it’s easy to fall prey to its dark side. Without realizing it, you may be opening yourself to theft, fraud, and even violence – particularly in these times of worldwide Pandemic.
Unleashing Wisdom! Challenging Ageist Stereotypes in Media   Unleashing Wisdom! Challenging Ageist Stereotypes in Media
Frumpy, grumpy, frail, and technophobic? Sound familiar? These are just some of the ageist stereotypes that the older generation has to face, never mind those in the public eye in media and entertainment, on our red carpets, and our screens. The rhetoric is clear, from ageist ad campaigns for younger skin to the types of roles older actors are given- being and looking young is deemed desirable. But how do these negative stereotypes in media and TV feed into our societal assumptions about aging? 
9 Simple and Effective Online Safety Tips for Seniors in 2023   Nine Simple and Effective Online Safety Tips for Seniors in 2023
A recent Pew Research survey found that three-quarters of people aged over 65 are online every day, 61% own a smartphone, and 45% are users of at least one social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
When people from any group go online more often, they expose themselves to more online risks.
As seniors engage more with the online world, they are more likely to become targets for cybercriminals. 
Detail Guide on Online Safety For Seniors: How To Keep Yourself Protected?   Detail Guide on Online Safety For Seniors: How To Keep Yourself Protected?
The internet has always been a risky place, especially for seniors. senior people or senior citizens represent a demographic that is both compassionate and trustful.
According to records, around 6 billion dollars is lost every year to online scammers. 
The rate of senior citizen scams has increased significantly in the last few years. If you want to protect yourself from online fraud, you must give this article a read. This guide will tell you how to identify online frauds and prevent them from happening to you.
Senior Travel Safety And Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Safe On Vacation   Senior Travel Safety And Security
A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Safe On Vacation
Traveling can be a great way for those in retirement to spend their time meaningfully.
Seniors have different priorities than travelers of younger ages. Rather than extensive sightseeing or filling up their vacation calendar with excursions, they typically seek more relaxed, leisurely experiences.
You may have additional needs regarding comfort and safety on the road as you age, and it’s important to consider them before embarking on your trip.
Fall prevention for seniors   Seniors’ Guide to Medication Management
Many of us take more medications as we age. Use these strategies for medication management for seniors to avoid medication errors.
Kitchen Modifications for the Disabled and Elderly   Kitchen Modifications for the Disabled and Elderly
While moving into a nursing home or assisted care facility is the best option for some seniors, many prefer to stay in their own homes, called “aging in place,” for as long as possible.
Aging in place offers comfort and familiarity to people whose bodies and minds are going through complex changes. Staying in their homes allows them to remain close to family, friends, and neighbors and maintain their daily routines.
Activities to Promote Heart Health   Activities to Promote Heart Health
A healthy heart is a healthy life, for most cases at least. Keeping a healthy heart should not be difficult for anyone. There are a lot of activities that we can do to reduce our risk of getting any heart related diseases. It goes without saying that doing cardiovascular exercises promote a healthy heart but there are specific activities that not only promote a healthy heart but are also fun to do which can also contribute to your overall heart health.
How Seniors Can Sleep Better   How Seniors Can Sleep Better
Sleep is one of the most important things we do for our health.
When a senior — or anyone — is sleeping poorly, it could be a symptom of a larger problem, like anxiety, or an undiagnosed illness. But sleeping better can also help cure these problems.
So for any seniors struggling with their health, a good first question is: “Are you sleeping well?”
BillyOh Resources and Helpful Guides   Health Benefits of Gardening for Older Adults
Gardening is a popular pastime for people of all ages. Tending to and nurturing greenery is therapeutic for anyone as you can watch the fruits of your labour grow before your eyes.
This is a great activity for seniors to stay active. Gardening can help older generations keep moving and maintain productivity, as opposed to staying idle and experiencing a rapid physical (and even mental) decline. 
Five Home Repairs Seniors Should Avoid Doing When They Are Alone   Five Home Repairs Seniors Should Avoid Doing When They Are Alone
Aging comes with many blessings, such as wisdom, more free time, and higher levels of happiness. However, it also comes with its challenges as older people are more likely to suffer from serious medical conditions, including hearing and vision loss, weakening of the muscles, and loss of mobility.
Did you know that in the U.S., one out of four older adults fall each year? This can be an obstacle to independent living because it can be more difficult for physically impaired people to accomplish somewhat simple daily tasks, including things like bathing or sweeping the floors.
Here are five home repairs seniors should avoid doing when home alone. 
Senior Sex Guide: Maintaining Sexuality and Intimacy After 60   Senior Sex Guide: Maintaining Sexuality and Intimacy After 60
Sexuality and intimacy are two subjects people rarely associate with older people. 
The truth is, age doesn’t matter when it comes to sexuality. While the ability to perform sexual activities may decline along with physical changes brought by aging, many seniors are still enthusiastic about sex.
In this article, readers will be able to dispel misconceptions about seniors and sexuality, learn about the normal sexuality changes as people age, how to deal with them, and how to regain one’s sexuality even after 60. 
The Ultimate Resource Guide for Seniors and Their Families   The Ultimate Resource Guide for Seniors and Their Families
Throughout people’s lives, they experience significant transitions. People go to school, graduate, start careers, change careers, and gain and lose family members. Inevitably, people experience changes in financial circumstances and the loss of some loved ones and relationships. Senior citizens often experience many changes. Many retire from careers and have to craft a life that isn’t as focused on working every day. Their financial circumstances change as they transition from living off of their salaries to living off of investments and Social Security. Some move out of their longtime homes as well. These changes can feel overwhelming, but there are strategies that can help seniors and their families deal with these changes.
Smart home security guide   Smart Home Security Guide
As of September 2020, approximately 66% of burglaries took place in residential areas. And over half of those burglaries took place during daylight when people were gone the most (though it’s still unclear how this may have changed after the pandemic-induced work-from-home shift).
Even though the number has decreased from previous years, the data shows the risk to Americans’ homes and personal property is all too real. But what can homeowners do to protect themselves, and their homes, from an invasion? That’s where home security systems come in.
Best Home Golf Simulators   Best Home Golf Simulators
Golf Simulator products in your own home is now more feasible than ever before! The best part… you don’t have to go to your local country club or pro shop to get on a golf simulator and play indoor golf… you can have one right in the comfort of your own home. With an in home golf simulator, you can golf anytime you want with your friends and family, regardless of the weather outside, and start dialing in your distances better than ever before. At Rain or Shine Golf, we are here to help make your dream of owning your own golf simulator a reality.
Guide to a Healthy Sex Life After 60   Guide to a Healthy Sex Life After 60
For so many of us, the idea of having an active and fulfilling sex life is something that’s exclusive to the younger generations. Once you hit a certain age, perhaps around 60 or so, our bodies go through lots of different changes, and this makes having sex more difficult or even impossible – at least that’s what we’re told. Well, guess what? Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, when it comes to sex, age is really just a number; you can enjoy sexual activity at nearly any age. Sound too good to be true? Here’s our guide to having a healthy sex life after 60!
Dating Tips for Senior Women Looking for Love Online   Dating Tips for Senior Women Looking for Love Online
Long ago, couples used to find their “Mr. or Ms. Rights” in college, at work, in parties, in a bar, or get-togethers.
Today, people (especially those over 45 years old) are increasingly meeting their other halves through online dating sites. Various studies have thus found that adults are the most popular people users in dating sites.
Here are the pros and cons of dating online, as listed by users.
A Practical Guide To Road Safety For Parents [Stay Safe On Roads]   Home Modifications for Seniors and People With Disabilities
A significant number of American people are living in trouble with the problem of disability. The infrastructure of their house is not such that it can provide enough convenience for a disabled person to move and work. 
There are now a number of resources and systems available that enable disabled individuals to overcome the problem of accommodation. Their house can be redesigned with modern technology, which ensures complete safety, advantages, and enjoyment for a disabled person.
In this guide article, the Disability Accommodation Guide, We will provide all the tips and suggestions that help you to remodel your home for you or any loved disabled person in your home.
Affordable Dental Care: A Guide for Seniors and Their Families   Affordable Dental Care: A Guide for Seniors and Their Families
Dental Hygiene and Concerns for Seniors
Diet, Nutrition, and Oral Health
How Medicare & Medicaid Cover Dental Care
Finding Dental Care for Seniors
Lifts and Other Home Adjustments for Disabled Individuals   Lifts and Other Home Adjustments for Disabled Individuals
Imagine not being able to access all parts of your home. Imagine not even being able to get through the front door. Every day, disabled individuals find that their homes need to be modified in a way that gives them easier access. These modifications make it possible for them to stay in their home and live an independent life. Home adjustments come in all shapes and sizes and can vary in cost from one manufacturer and contractor to another.
A Guide to Mobile Device Security and Phone Plans for Seniors   A Guide to Mobile Device Security and Phone Plans for Seniors
More people have mobile devices today than ever before and this number is increasing rapidly. 
Seniors, many of whom may be reluctant to adopt new technology, can benefit from getting a mobile device.
It enables them to connect with others in a wide variety of new and exciting ways.
This guide will discuss the benefits of mobile technology for seniors, then provide practical advice for selecting a phone plan and securing a device against potential security concerns.
Understanding Nutritional Challenges For People Over The Age Of 65   Understanding Nutritional Challenges For People Over The Age Of 65
According To The World Allergy Organization, a study showed that 24.8% of nursing home patients, with an average age of 77, had at least one food allergy.
Given these statistics, it is clear that food allergies are a serious concern for older adults. In this article, we will take a closer look at the different types of nutritional challenges for people over the age of 65, and explore some strategies for managing food allergies and sensitivities.
Aging at Home: Home Safety for Elderly Loved Ones   Aging at Home: Home Safety for Elderly Loved Ones
Nearly 90% of homeowners approaching retirement want to stay in their homes as they age, according to a study by the Federal Housing Administration. To prevent injuries, reduce fall risks, and ensure independence when aging at home, it’s important for families and seniors to incorporate home safety tips and follow a home safety checklist. These steps, sometimes combined with home care services, can help seniors age in place longer.
Birch Gold Group Scam Protection Resource Guide   Birch Gold Group Scam Protection Resource Guide
When you think about financial fraud, who do you think of first? 
While fraud on such a large scale is rare, fraud against investors is still quite common. 
That’s why it’s so important to stay on top of this important issue.
To protect you and other investors, the team at Birch Gold Group has put together a comprehensive resource for protecting yourself against investment scams, cons, and rip-offs.
How to apply for a job when you’re over 50 and avoid age discrimination   How to apply for a job when you’re over 50 and avoid age discrimination
Research shows that older job seekers often face age discrimination. What can you do to prevent ageist bias? And are there regulations to offer older employees a level playing field? We will also show you how to successfully apply as an over-50 and how to create a convincing resume.
eBike Safety Tips for Seniors   E-bike Safety Tips for Seniors
Electric bikes come with numerous health benefits that the seniors can enjoy ranging from mental health to physical health and the benefits of socializing. Despite the wide range of health benefits, these bikes are not without risks. The bike riders are advised to have protective gear. Finally, these bikes like any other machinery require regular maintenance and care.
Best Tips To Buy A Walk In Tub   Best Tips To Buy A Walk In Tub
Buying a walk in tub might seem an easy job to do but, you have to consider a lot of aspects.
There a lot of different models available on the market nowadays, and you need to think about your needs, before getting one.
With this article we will try to help you to decide which walk in tub.
Best Tips To Buy A Walk In Tub   What is a Walk In Tub?
This article will give you most of the information you need to know, if you’ve been thinking about purchasing one these tubes for a loved one. The question is everyone’s mind is the following:
What exactly is a Walk In Tub and who can benefit from its use.
Walk In Bath Tub is the perfect solution, that can provide anyone who is suffering from the listed illnesses a pleasurable alternative to using a regular bathtub.
Best practices for remote monitoring of blood glucose patients   Best practices for remote monitoring of blood glucose patients
Proper training and technique for patients is the best way to ensure accurate readings with your at-home blood glucose monitor. Some of the most common reasons for inaccurate readings can be attributed to a simple lack of patient education. 100Plus provides accurate and reliable at-home Remote Patient Monitoring devices and proper patient education, guides, and resources to guarantee precise patient data for clinicians.
The Ultimate Internet Safety Guide for Seniors   The Ultimate Internet Safety Guide for Seniors
The internet can be a scary place, especially if you’re old enough to be able to remember dialling a rotary telephone! In 2020, in the US alone, cyber crimes against adults aged 60 and over resulted in approximately $1 billion in losses — a 30% increase over the losses reported in the previous year. Almost 1/4 of the complaints of cyber crime reported to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) in 2020, victims were over the age of 60. Staying safe online can be really overwhelming. In this article, I’m going to explain the most common online threats facing seniors today, such as:
Top 10 Senior Scams and How to Prevent Them   Top 10 Senior Scams and How to Prevent Them
Senior scams are becoming a major epidemic for two reasons. First, seniors often have a lot of money in the bank from a life of working hard and saving. Second, seniors often aren’t aware of common scams, how they work, and they may be more trusting due to the time period they were raised in. Scams against the elderly are considered as abuse, and the FBI and local law enforcement are cracking down on these types of crimes.
Basic Tips for Senior Safety Through the Home   Basic Tips for Senior Safety Through the Home
Home upkeep can be challenging even for those who are young and in good health, but for seniors, the home can present various dangers that may be prevented with a few quick changes.
This home safety checklist for seniors will help you ensure senior safety for all elderly persons living in the home.
Bathroom Safety Tips for Caregivers   Bathroom Safety Tips for Caregivers
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study in 2011 revealed that the most dangerous activities often occurred while showering, bathing, or leaving the shower or tub. Around 80% of these injuries happened after a slip and fall, making it even more important to ensure older adults are provided with as much support as possible while using the bathroom. Caregivers need to know the risks and how to resolve them, ensuring that the people they care for are kept safe while in the bathroom. 
Mountain Cove Care   Mountain Cove Care
Assisting Seniors with daily living skills while providing luxury care and promoting Independence.
At this time in their life they deserve nothing less then Excellence.
Beneficial Video Games For Seniors   Beneficial Video Games For Seniors
A 2016 study by the American Association of Retired Persons and the Entertainment Software Association found 38% of Americans aged 50+ played video games; by 2019, another study by the AARP saw that number grow to 44%. The concept that gaming is just for ‘young folk’ is fast disappearing as the medium has become more sophisticated and accessible.
Video games’ benefit our physical and mental health. Long seen purely as play or escapism, we now understand the importance of a little gaming to keep our grey matter happy and can help stave off mild cognitive impairment or even help prevent the likes of Alzheimer’s.
Everything You Need to Know About Nursing Home Abuse   Everything You Need to Know About Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse is a horrifying reality happening in our communities and affecting our senior citizens. When we place our elder loved ones in a nursing home, we expect staff members to treat them with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Nursing homes and staff need to be held accountable for how they care for our older generations. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand what nursing home abuse is, the different types of abuse, signs of abuse, and how to prevent it.
This guide provides tips and tricks to recognize fall hazards and prevent a future fall from occurring.
It also looks into which methods are most effective to strengthen your own personal abilities to reduce falls from occurring in the home and in the community.
Improving Sleep Quality in the Elderly   Improving Sleep Quality in the Elderly
Sleep problems and disorders in older adults can lead to severe repercussions on their physical and mental health. Recent studies have linked poor sleep quality in older adults to increased risk for accidents, heart disease, kidney problems, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, suicide, and risk-taking behavior.
In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at why sleep gets more elusive as you get older and the steps you can take to finally drift off to a night of deep, restorative sleep.
Senior Financial Scams: How are the Elderly Targeted ?   Senior Financial Scams: How are the Elderly Targeted?
The most vulnerable demographic for scams is the elderly population in America. Horror stories are in the news each week of an older person grifted out of their life savings within a few weeks or months from crafty criminals. The unfortunate part is often the perpetrators are family members or someone close to them.
STDs in Older Adults: Everything You Need to Know as You Age   STDs in Older Adults: Everything You Need to Know as You Age
Many things change as you age — your hair color, ideal Friday night, and career may all look different than they once did, but that doesn’t mean your behaviour in the bedroom needs to change, too. Many older adults continue to enjoy an active sex life as they age, which can lead to increased self-esteem and better quality of life. However, sexual safety doesn’t go out the window as you age, meaning that necessary vigilance with protection and other sexual health concerns don’t change, either.
Study Finds CPAP Effective for Sleep Apnea in Seniors  

Study Finds CPAP Effective for Sleep Apnea in Seniors
According to the National Sleep Foundation, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects 18 millions Americans. Until now, no research on the effectiveness of CPAP for sleep apnea in seniors had even been conducted. A new study, recently published in the Lancet Respiratory Medicine, suggests that continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy can be very effective for older OSA patients. The study also recommended increased awareness of OSA.

The Connection Between Sleep Apnea And Health For Seniors  

The Connection Between Sleep Apnea And Health For Seniors
Sleep apnea has been a subject of debate in the world of medical research. It has also been a common link to certain illnesses that people experience as they age. However, is sleep apnea one of the reasons diseases progress? Or is sleep apnea just a risk factor that links to most diseases?

Fall prevention for seniors  

Fall Prevention for Seniors
Learn about fall risk assessment and strategies for fall prevention in seniors.
Thankfully, there are proven measures to help reduce the risk that an older adult will experience a fall.

11 Fun And Easy Activities For Seniors With Limited Mobility  

11 Fun And Easy Activities For Seniors With Limited Mobility
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are more than 54 million people aged 65 and over in the US alone, with many suffering from limited mobility, whether due to severe arthritis, injuries, or various other inflictions. Whatever the predicament, their reduced mobility can limit the kinds of activities they do and stop them from doing the things they once loved. With the right approach, a wholesome and complete life can be maintained easily by those in their old age.

How Poor Sleep, Depression, and Chronic Pain Feed Each Other  

How Poor Sleep, Depression, and Chronic Pain Feed Each Other
We all know how just one night of bad sleep can put us in a total funk.
When you struggle getting restorative rest night after night, the effects can be devastating.
With the help of a sleep specialist, I was finally able to connect my symptoms with a diagnosis: delayed sleep phase syndrome, a disorder in which your preferred sleep time is at least two hours later than conventional bedtimes.

50 Safety Tips For Seniors  

50 Safety Tips For Seniors
Simple steps to increase safety at home and away from home.
The problem may not be severe enough to prevent taking care of their daily activities, but it can cause mild difficulty in completing those activities or in making complicated decisions.
Safety both in and out of home is a top priority for elders and there are many simple safety steps that will reduce the risk of accidents and abuse. 

A Homeowner’s Guide to Creating A Sensory-Friendly Space For Individuals with Sensory Processing Disorders  

A Homeowner’s Guide to Creating A Sensory-Friendly Space For Individuals with Sensory Processing Disorders
For individuals or families with children that have sensory processing disorder, it is important for homeowners to create a safe space for those dealing with this condition. A sensory processing disorder is a condition with which an individual has trouble receiving and processing information through the five senses. These disorders are seen more in children but can also affect adults in everyday life. 

Retirement Facilities Near You  

Find All Retirement Facilities Near You
Many terms are used when speaking about retirement living. The terms senior homes, old age homes, personal care homes, retirement facilities, 55+ retirement communities, long-term care homes, palliative care and nursing homes are all used interchangeably to describe retirement homes. This substitution of words is typical when discussing retirement living options with family and friends, but to find the absolute best retirement community or home for yourself or your loved one, you need to research each retirement facility to make sure it suits your needs. Browse our full list of all retirement homes and 55+ retirement communities in the U.S. and find the perfect retirement facility near you.

Lido Wellness Center   Lido Wellness Center are dedicated to providing integrative, holistic and comprehensive care ad seek to understand and honour the unique composition of each person; focusing on their mental, physical, relational and spiritual wellness. Programs are designed for adult individuals, 18 years or older, with a primary mental health diagnosis.
Simmons Hanly Conroy - Medical Care Programs for Veterans   Medical Care Programs for Veterans
Veterans may suffer serious health problems as a result of their service, including addiction, depression and cancers like mesothelioma. Thankfully, there are many health care resources available to veterans.
Nonprofit veterans organizations and other military-focused groups provide care to those in need.
Simmons Hanly Conroy is proud to assist veterans through the legal system and by supporting veteran health care resources.
Founder and Chairman John Simmons is a veteran who deeply cares about the well-being of others who served.
Alzheimer Support   Alzheimers, Dementia and Memory Care
When your loved one is diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it is a difficult time in your life. While most families initially try to care for their loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia at home, at some point it no longer becomes possible or feasible. During this time, it is best to look for memory care near you.
At, we enable everyone to look through more than 45,000 facilities that provide dementia and Alzheimer’s care. Browse memory care units by state below
Senior Guidance provides comprehensive resources on various senior living options, including: assisted living facilities, senior living communities, nursing homes, independent living communities, continuing care retirement communities (CCRC) and all other long term senior care options, including memory care such as Alzheimer’s or Dementia.

A Family's Guide to Caring for Aging Parents   A Family’s Guide to Caring for Aging Parents
Even if you want to, the decision to care for an elderly parent at home may simply not be for everyone.
Factors such as having multiple jobs, difficult family dynamics, and the lack of home safety measures can not only make the task more difficult to manage but can also be counterproductive to an aging parent’s health. However, if the option is safe for everyone involved, keeping your beloved parent at home can be a rewarding and lesson-filled experience.
This guide takes you through the essential things you need to take into account when considering in-home care so you can help your beloved lead full, supported lives when they need it the most.
Importance of Elderly Care Services  

Importance of Elderly Care Services
Old age is a sensitive phase; elderly people need care and comfort to lead a healthy life without worries and anxiety.
This article deals with the issues that affect the lives of senior citizens and further complicate into major physiological and psychological problems.

Memory care facilities  

Memory Care Facilities
Memory care facilities are care homes that provide the much-needed care to adults with memory care issues.
Memory care facilities can be in various forms, such as: dedicated dementia care facilities or communities, dedicated Alzheimer’s care facilities, Alzheimer’s day care, Alzheimer’s nursing homes, dementia nursing homes, as well as assisted living facilities that provide memory care services.
If you’re wondering “how do I find memory care near me?” – browse the full list of all memory care homes in the U.S. on this site.

Jen Reviews   Jen Reviews is the authority on everything food, fitness and home.
All writers are experts in their particular niches, including former Olympians, doctors, registered nurses, executive chefs, mountain guides, yoga instructors, certified dog trainers and more.
The writers’ personal experience, talent and extensive knowledge allow them to write helpful articles that comprehensively address every major consideration and pain point.
Each piece of content is painstakingly researched and edited before the publish button is hit.
The MuchNeeded Guide to Senior Mobility & Wellness  

The MuchNeeded Guide to Senior Mobility & Wellness
Getting old is a natural process and there is no escaping that.
Some might feel the effects of aging sooner than later but the fact remains that we’ll all get there.
However, this doesn’t mean people can’t make the aging process easier for themselves. There are plenty of items that can help with that, as we’ll cover them later on in the article.
Active aging has become a norm all around the world and participation of older people in different segments of community is encouraged.  

Managing Medical Expenses in Retirement: A Comprehensive Guide
An important part of saving for retirement is setting aside funds for medical expenses.
It’s important to be financially prepared so you’re not caught off guard.
Approximately 80% of retirees are confident they’ll have enough money to cover medical expenses in retirement, according to a recent survey from the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
This may be due in part to an overestimation of what Medicare — the federal health insurance program for people aged 65 and over, and those with disabilities — actually covers.

Elderly Driving – When is it Time to Stop?   Elderly Driving – When is it Time to Stop?
We all get older. When this happens, we reach a point where our vision is not what it was in the past. Also, our reflexes start to slow, and we are not able to react as fast as when we were younger. And in many cases our memory starts to fade, and we forget what we are doing.
All of these factors can be reasons why elderly people may not be able to drive or should not be able to drive.
How to talk about end-of-life   How to talk about end-of-life and emergency planning with your family
Many families struggle to talk about topics related to death, emergency preparedness, and end-of-life concerns.
No one wants to think about what would happen if they were no longer around.
After all, you are busy enjoying life.
Yet failing to have these conversations and make your wishes known can leave your loved ones vulnerable emotionally and financially.

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